17 April 2024: Meet & Greet for Internationals in the Statenkwartier!

Join us for a fun  evening of collaboration and community-building!


Are you an international resident of the Statenkwartier? Let’s connect and brainstorm ideas for events and activities that cater specifically to our diverse community.


April 17, 2024 at 19:30-21:30


Couvéehuis (Frankenslag 139)


  • Icebreaker Session: Get to know your neighbors through fun and interactive activities.
  • Brainstorming Session: Share your thoughts and ideas on events and activities you’d love to see in our neighborhood.
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with fellow internationals who share similar interests.

Why Attend?

  • Contribute your unique perspective to shape community events.
  • Expand your network and make new friends in the Statenkwartier.
  • Discover exciting opportunities to get involved in the community.


Light snacks and beverages will be provided.


Send any questions, suggestions, comments to  internationals@statenkwartier.net.


Let’s make our neighborhood an even more vibrant and welcoming place for everyone. See you there!

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