Paid parking to be introduced in Statenkwartier

The municipality will introduce paid parking in the Haven-, Staten- en Geuzenkwartier as of 30 November. The measure is meant to free up more parking space in the Scheveningen district.

In addition it will become cheaper to park in the parking garages along the coast than on the street. Residents and businesses in the district  for years have suffered from the large number of day trippers who park their car in neighbourhood streets rather than the parking garages.

Improving the accessibility of the beach resort is a high priority for the municipality. For this reason representatives of the 3 neighbourhoods worked together with the municipality on the Scheveningen Traffic Plan (Verkeersvisie Scheveningen).

You can read more information here: paid parking starts 30-11-2017

The information evening in Statenkwartier, organised by the municipality, will be on October 5th from 18.30h – 20.30h in Statenkwartier in the Eben-Haezerschool, Paulus Buijsstraat 51, 2582 CH The Hague. Here you can ask everything you want to know about the introduction, also how to get your license for parking in the neighbourhood before November 30th, the official date of introduction of paid parking.

The official letter for the people living in our neighbourhood you can see here: Letter municipality paid parking

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